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Because online dating takes place in virtual space, it is possible for profile information to be misrepresented or falsified. Archived from on 2008-10-15.
The caves are hewn from solid basalt rock. The most significant of these elements is thewhich enshrines the tomb containing the relics of. Further, during this period, the usage among 18- to 24-year-olds tripled, while that among 55- to 65-year-olds doubled. The company, owned by Amber Kelleher-Andrews agreed to settle within hours of Daggett filing the lawsuit. This procedure of prelisting is a jesus for the nominations for the World Heritage list to be accepted. However, the temples seen now are dated between 5th and 6th centuries AD. It was inscribed on the UNESCO list in 1987 as a natural property under category ix and x. They are, and. This region is densely covered byand is one of the largest reserves for the.
This cultural heritage site includes three great temples of 11th and 12th centuries namely, the at , the at Gangaikondacholisvaram and the at. The site was inscribed under UNESCO World Heritage List in 1987 as Cultural heritage under criteria ii and iii.
Indian women girls Numbers - Retrieved April 15, 2014. Retrieved 25 October 2011.
Name Image Region Period UNESCO data Description 1 , India 2nd century BC to the 6th century 242; 1983; i, ii, iii, vi listed under UNESCO World Heritage as a cultural heritage site, are Buddhist caves that were built in two phases. The first phase was from the 2nd century BC and the second phase, further additions were made during the 5th and 6th centuries AD of the. The caves depict richly decorated paintings, frescoes, which are reminiscent of the Sigiriya paintings in and sculptures. Total, there are 31 cave monuments which are unique representations of the religious art of Buddhism. These are 34 monasteries and temples sculpted contiguously into rock walls of a high cliff, which are seen along a length of 2 kilometres 1. Dated to 600 to 1000 AD, they are a reflection of artistic creation of the ancient civilization of India. This cultural property has been inscribed under the UNESCO World Heritage List. The fortress located on the right bank of the , built in red , covering a length of 2. These were built from the 16th century onwards till the early 18th century, starting with 's reign in the 16th century to that of in the early part of the 18th century, including the contributions made during the reign of and of the Rule in India; the impressive structures is built within the precincts of the fort are the Khas Mahal, the Shish Mahal, Muhamman Burje an octagonal tower , Diwan-i-Khas 1637 , Diwan-i-Am, white marble mosque or the Pearl Mosque built during 1646—1653 and the Nagina Masjid 1658—1707. These monuments are remarkable for the fusion of art of the and the Indian art form. It is very close to the famous with a buffer zone separating the two monuments. It was built by Emperor in memory of his third wife Begum who had died in 1631. It is a large edifice made in white marble in typical , a style that combines elements from , and styles. This much acclaimed masterpiece was built over a 16-year period between 1631 and 1648 under the Chief Architect supported by several thousand artisans under the guidance of an Imperial Committee. It is set amidst vast , which cover 17 hectares 42 acres of land on the right bank of the. It has an octagonal layout marked by four exclusive minarets at four corners with a pristine elevation of a central bulbous dome below which the tombs are laid in an underground chamber. Calligraphic inscriptions in-crusted in polychromatic pierra dura, decorative bands and glorify the monument's graphic beauty and provide a picture perfect impression to the viewers. Located on the east coast of the in the Delta, it is built in the form of the of Arka , the sun god with 24 wheels, and is heavily decorated with symbolic stone carvings and led by a team of six horses. It was constructed from oxidizing weathered ferruginous by King of the. The temple is one of the most renowned temples in India and is a World Heritage Site inscribed in 1984 as cultural property under categories i , iii and vi. The town have gained prominence under the rule of. These monuments have been carved out of rock along the. The temple town has approximately forty monuments, including the largest open-air bas-relief in the world. It was inscribed under the UNESCO World Heritage list in 1984 as a cultural heritage under categories i ii iii vi. The monuments inscribed are the : Temples in the form of , , 11 Cave sanctuaries covered with bas-reliefs, rock relief of , which is the largest open air Rock relief also known as or Bhagiratha's Penance. It was first established as a reserved forest in 1908 to protect the dwindling species of rhinoceros. It underwent several transformations over the years, as The Kaziranga Game Sanctuary in 1916, renamed Kaziranga Wildlife Sanctuary in 1950, and declared a national park in 1974. The park, which covers an area of 42,996 hectares 106,250 acres , has the distinction of being home to the largest population of the. There are many other mammals and birds species in the sanctuary. It was inscribed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1985 for its unique natural environment. The sanctuary is the habitat of several species of plants, 21 most-threatened species of mammals out of 55 mammal species in the sanctuary , 36 reptile species, 3 amphibians and 350 species of birds. Endangered species include , , , , , wild the only pure strain of buffalo in India , , and. Plants listed under the broad category of include 285 species of and 98 species of. It extends over an area of 2,783 hectares 6,880 acres. It was declared a national park in 1982. Earlier to this, in 1900, it was a duck-hunting reserve of the Bharatpur, then became a bird sanctuary in 1956, with the Maharajas exercising shooting rights till 1972, and was recorded as a site, in 1981. It was inscribed in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1985 under category x , as a natural property. The area of the wetland of the park shrinks to 1,000 hectares 2,500 acres during most part of the year. It has a human-built environment created partly by embankments dividing the area into 10 units, and has sluice controlled arrangement to maintain the water level. It is famous for 364 species of wintering birds that flock in large numbers, arriving from distant countries of , , and. It is surrounded by 17 villages and the city. These monuments are mainly in the former capital of. The most significant of these monuments is the , which enshrines the tomb containing the relics of. There were originally 60 churches of which some of the surviving monuments in the city of are the Saint Catherine's Chapel where one of the first, probably only besides the Angediva Island, mass in Asia, was held on Saint Catherine's feast day- i. These monuments were forerunners in establishing an ensemble of the , and art forms in the. The monuments are built in laterites and walls plastered with limestone mortar mixed with broken shells. For this reason, the monuments need constant maintenance to prevent deterioration due to monsoon climatic conditions, and thus keep them in good shape. The ensemble of monuments that have survived belong to the and Religious practices with striking fusion of sculpture and architecture; the best example of this outstanding feature is seen in the Kandariya Temple. Of the 85 temples built, only 22 temples have survived in an area of 6 km 2, which represents the Chandela period of the 10th century. Located in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh, it was inscribed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site, a cultural property on October 15, 1982 for its unique original artistic creation and proof of the Chandela Culture that existed prior to the invasion of India in the early 12th century. Hampi subsumes the ruins of , which was the former capital of the powerful. These won the admiration of travellers between the 14th and 16th centuries. It was the capital of the Empire and seat of the grand Mughal court, but only for 14 years. Despite bearing exceptional testimony to the Mughal civilization at the end of the 16th century, it had to be abandoned due to the twin reasons of lack of water and unrest in north-west India, leading the emperor to shift the capital to. Akbar decided to construct it in 1571, on the same site where the birth of his son, the future Emperor , was predicted by the wise saint Shaikh 1480—1572. The work, supervised by the great Mughal himself, was completed in 1573. The complex of monuments and temples, all uniformly in , includes one of the largest mosques in India, the , the , the , and the. The English traveller considered the city in 1585 as 'considerably larger than London and more populous. The city has numerous other palaces, public buildings and mosques, as well as living areas for the court, the army, servants of the king and for an entire population whose history has not been recorded. In this group of temples, the Virupaksha Temple, built c. The temples represent a remarkable fusion of the architectural features of northern Nagara and southern dravida India. Pattadakal is considered a Hindu holy city and within the heritage complex are eight temples dedicated to Shiva, a ninth sanctuary called the , and a. The island, located on an arm of the , consists of two groups of caves — the first is a large group of five Hindu caves, the second, a smaller group of two Buddhist caves. The Hindu caves contain rock cut stone sculptures, representing the Shaiva Hindu sect, dedicated to the god. The rock-cut architecture of the caves is dated to between the 5th and 8th centuries, although the identity of the original builders is still a subject of debate. The caves are hewn from solid basalt rock. Renovated in the 1970s, the caves were designated an UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987 to preserve the artwork. This cultural heritage site includes three great temples of 11th and 12th centuries namely, the at , the at Gangaikondacholisvaram and the at. The Temple of Gangaikondacholisvaram, built by Rajendra I, was completed in 1035. Its 53 metres 174 ft vimana sanctum tower has recessed corners and a graceful upward curving movement, contrasting with the straight and severe tower at Thanjavur. The Airavatesvara temple complex, built by Rajaraja II, at Darasuram features a 24 metres 79 ft vimana and a stone image of. The temples testify to the brilliant achievements of the Chola in architecture, sculpture, painting and bronze casting. The site was inscribed under UNESCO World Heritage List in 1987 as Cultural heritage under criteria ii and iii. Airavateshwarar Temple, , , India , , , India 17 India 1939 and 1982 452; 1987 ; ix and x The , the largest in the world is a , , UNESCO World Heritage Site and a located in the bordering the , in. It is also on the UNESCO. The as a whole encompasses 10,000 km 2 3,900 sq mi of land and water, about 5,980 km 2 2,310 sq mi in and the balance is in. It is integral to the world's largest delta of 80,000 km 2 formed from sediments deposited by the three great rivers, the , the and the , which confluence in the Bengal Basin. The entire basin is traversed by a complex network of interconnecting waterways. Though, the history of protection in the area of Indian part of the Sundarbans dates back to 1878, it was declared as the core area of Sundarbans Tiger Reserve in 1973 and a wildlife sanctuary in 1977 of 133,000-hectare core area within the 258,500 hectares 639,000 acres Sundarbans Tiger Reserve. On May 4, 1984 it was declared a National Park. It was inscribed on the UNESCO list in 1987 as a natural property under category ix and x. This region is densely covered by , and is one of the largest reserves for the. It is also home to a variety of , and species, including the salt-water. It is located in the of of. This richly diverse area is also home to rare and endangered animals, including the , , and. The gentle landscape of the Valley of Flowers National Park complements the rugged mountain wilderness of. Together, they encompass a unique transition zone between the mountain ranges of the and. The park stretches over an expanse of 87. It was established as a national park on 6 November 1982. However, it was initially established as a game sanctuary on 7 January 1939. It was inscribed under the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1988 with extension in 2005 under category vii and x. Together, they comprise the , which is on the UNESCO since 2004. The site, however, has been conjectured to have been developed in the 3rd century BC, when of the ruled. The principal monument is Stupa 1 dated to the 2nd century and 1st century BC. These Buddhist sanctuaries were active Buddhist religious monuments, which flourished till the 12th century. The sanctuary has a plethora of monolithic pillars, palaces, temples and monasteries in different status of preservation. It was inscribed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO on January 24, 1989 for its unique cultural importance. It was discovered only in 1818 in a deserted state of preservation. Archaeological excavations undertaken thereafter revealed 50 unique monuments. It was built in 1570 and was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Monument in 1993 for its cultural importance. Apart from the tomb of Humayun, the funerary also has 150 tombs of various members of the royal family. The tomb is built with a char-bagh fourfold layout with two gates, one on the south and the other on the west. It has a number of water channels, a pavilion and a bath. The tomb set on an irregular octagonal plinth has a raised dome of 42. Built in the beginning of the 13th century, the complex of structures comprises itineraries, the Gate 1311 , the Alai Minar an incomplete mound of the intended Minar or tower , the the earliest existing mosque in India , the tomb of , and an Iron Pillar. The complex is a testimony to the Islamic depredations during the period as seen from the materials used for building the complex which are those that were removed after destroying and temples; a shining iron pillar of 7. History records its construction, initially by in 1192, its completion by 1211—36 and again by 1296—1316. It underwent several renovations by subsequent rulers, following damage to the structures due to lightning. It was inscribed under the UNESCO World Heritage List under category iv for its unique representation of the Islamic architectural and artistic excellence. Two railways, the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway 1881 and the Kalka-Shimla Railway 1898 are located in the rugged hill regions of the of and the other two, the Nilgiri Mountain Railway 1908 and the 1907 are located in the rugged hill regions of the of. The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway was recognized first in 1999, the Nilgiri Mountain Railway followed suite as an extension to the site in 2005, and in 2008 the Kalka—Shimla Railway was further added as an extension; and the three together have been titled as Mountain Railways of India under Criteria: ii, iv under the region in the. The claim of the Matheran Hill Railway, the fourth mountain railway, is pending acceptance by the international body. The first temple was built by in the 3rd century BC 260 BC around the to the west of the temple. However, the temples seen now are dated between 5th and 6th centuries AD. The structures have been built in bricks. Revered and sanctified as the place where Siddhartha Gautama was enlightened in 531 BC at age 35, and then propagated his divine knowledge of to the world, it has been the ultimate temple for reverential worship, over the last several centuries, by Buddhists of all denominations, from all over the world who visit on pilgrimage. Sculpted balustrades of the times 3rd century BC are preserved in the Archaeological Museum located within the temple complex. It is spread in sandstone formations extending over an area of 1893 ha with a buffer zone 10,280 hectares 25,400 acres. The unique rock art has been discovered in 400 painted shelters spread over an area of 1,892 ha amidst dense forest with high diversity of flora and fauna, with some of the shelters dated from 100,000 BC Late to 1000 AD. It was inscribed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2003 as a unique cultural property representing a convergence displayed in the art form between the people and the landscape with links to the hunting gathering economy of the past. It is one of the busiest railway stations in India, and serves Central Railway trains terminating in Mumbai as well as the. The station was designed by , a consulting architect in 1887—1888. This famous architectural landmark in was built as the headquarters of the. In 1996, in response to demands by the and in keeping with the policy of , the station was renamed by the state government after , the famed 17th-century king. On 2 July 2004, the station was nominated as a World Heritage Site by the World Heritage Committee of UNESCO. It was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2004 as a cultural site. There is a concentration of largely unexcavated archaeological, historic and living cultural heritage properties cradled in an impressive landscape which includes prehistoric sites, a hill fortress of an early Hindu capital, and remains of the 16th-century capital of the state of. The site also includes, among other vestiges, fortifications, palaces, religious buildings, residential precincts, agricultural structures and water installations, from the 8th to the 14th centuries. The site is the only complete and unchanged pre- city. It represents the glory of the Mughal rule and is considered the Highpoint of architectural, artistic aesthetic creativity. The architectural design of the structures built within the fort represents a blend of Persian, Timuri and Indian architectural styles; , the Persian Capital is said to have provided the inspiration to build the Red Fort Complex. The planning and design of this complex, in a geometrical grid plan with pavilion structures, was the precursor of several monuments which were built later in Rajasthan, Delhi, Agra and other places. The palace complex has been fortified by an enclosure wall built with red sand stone hence the name Red Fort. It is adjacent to the on its north built by in 1546 and is now part of the Red Fort Complex area covered 120 acres under the revised inscription of the UNESCO World Heritage List under categories i , ii , iii and vi. Built between 1639 and 1648, enclosing an area of size 656 metres 2,152 ft x328 metres 1,076 ft and raising to a height of 23 metres 75 ft on the right bank of the , it is linked to the through a bridge over an old river channel, now a city road. It is modelled after the one that he had built at the capital of. He had constructed a total of five such facilities at different locations, including the ones at Delhi and Jaipur. The Jaipur observatory is the largest and best preserved of these and has a set of some 20 main fixed instruments built in masonry. They represent a typology of Rajput military hill architecture, a style characterized by its mountain peak settings, utilizing the defensive properties of the terrain. These hill forts in Rajasthan represent military strongholds across a vast range of geographical and cultural zones. It represents number of hill forts and is said to express the development of Rajput defensive architecture. Rajput forts are well known for their defensive architecture. They enclose large territories and even complete villages in walled compounds. The property consists of , Fort, Fort, , ,. These fort complex includes palaces, Hindu and Jain temples, urban centers and trading centers. Due to the variety of built structures in each hill fort, only the most significant elements of each complex are described. Most of the sculptures are in devotion to Vishnu, in the forms of Dus-Avatars Kalki, Rama, Mahisasurmardini, Narsinh, Vaman, Varahi and others representing their return to the world. Nagkanya, Yogini beautiful women — Apsara showcasing 16 different styles of make-up to look more attractive called Solah-shringar. The 90,540 ha property includes the upper mountain glacial and snow melt water source origins of several rivers, and the catchments of water supplies that are vital to millions of downstream users. The GHNPCA protects the monsoon-affected forests and alpine meadows of the Himalayan front ranges. It is part of the Himalaya biodiversity hotspot and includes 25 forest types along with a rich assemblage of fauna species, several of which are threatened. This gives the site outstanding significance for biodiversity conservation. It comprises the archaeological remains of a monastic and scholastic institution dating from the 3rd century BCE to the 13th century CE. It includes stupas, shrines, viharas residential and educational buildings and important art works in stucco, stone and metal. Nalanda stands out as the most ancient university of the Indian Subcontinent. It engaged in the organized transmission of knowledge over an uninterrupted period of 800 years. The historical development of the site testifies to the development of Buddhism into a religion and the flourishing of monastic and educational traditions. Urban and Architectural Work of Le Corbusier in Chandigarh, is home to numerous architectural projects of Le Corbusier, Pierre Jeanneret, Matthew Nowicki and Albert Mayer. The urban fabric is made up of densely-packed traditional houses pols in gated traditional streets puras with characteristic features such as bird feeders, public wells and religious institutions. The city continued to flourish as the capital of the State of Gujarat for six centuries, up to the present. They are , , and Sites by states The list shows the number of the heritage sites statewise. State Exclusive sites Shared sites 2 0 2 0 1 0 3 0 1 0 3 0 1 1 2 1 0 1 3 0 5 0 1 0 3 0 2 2 1 0 3 0 1 1 1 0 Apart from the 37 sites inscribed on the World Heritage list, there is a list of tentative sites for recognition which has been submitted to UNESCO Committee for evaluation and acceptance. This procedure of prelisting is a prerequisite for the nominations for the World Heritage list to be accepted. Name Image Region Period UNESCO data Description 01 , , India 1600—1758 AD 1998 is famous for its temples built in the 17th and 18th centuries and the balucheri sarees 02 , , , India 1555 AD 1998 , also known as the Palace, in , , Kerala features Kerala murals depicting Hindu temple art, portraits and exhibits of the rajas of Kochi. It has the largest number of mangrove species in India. The Gahirmatha sanctuary besides the bhitarkanika national park is the site of mass nesting and egg laying by olive ridley sea turtles that happens once a year. It is known as aribada. They are , , , , and. They are , , , and. Lothal's —the world's earliest known—connected the city to an ancient course of the river. Presently, the jail complex serves as a national memorial monument. Bhubaneswar is considered as pilgrimage site by , and. Famous for that is to the island. They are , , and. Satyagraha theory influenced 's struggle in , 's and 's campaigns during the in the United States, and many other social justice and similar movements. Famous for palaces and Forts. Loktak Lake is famous for , a series of floating islands. Keibul Lamjao National Park is rich amalgam of , and terrestrial. Retrieved 21 June 2011. Retrieved 12 May 2011. Retrieved 12 May 2011. The Times of India. The Times of India. Retrieved 19 July 2015. Retrieved 5 May 2016. Retrieved 22 June 2014. Properties submitted on the Tentative List. Retrieved April 15, 2014. Retrieved 6 September 2016. Archaeological Survey of India. Retrieved 25 October 2011. Retrieved 6 August 2010. Wildlife Conservation in Orissa. Western pacifists have so far proved ineffective because they have thought that war can be resisted by mere propaganda, conscientious objection, and organization for settling disputes. Archived from on 28 April 2013. Retrieved 4 July 2012. Archived from PDF on 31 October 2014. Retrieved 31 October 2014. Ladakh — Crossroads of High Asia. Archived from on 2008-10-15.